Global warming, the economy, hurricanes, oil leaks, energy shortages, all of these things are current crises. There are some small things we as individuals can do but at times it feels it is all out of our control. Fortunately, there is a major crisis spreading all over the world that we can control. It is our weight.

Recent reports have pointed out the soaring obesity rates in Brazil. In the age group 20-24 50% of men and 48% of women are overweight. What happened to the girl from Ipanema? She can’t fit into her bikini anymore.

In England the rate of obesity surgeries for those with body mass indexes over 40 have increased 10 fold. With the flourishing economies in China childhood obesity is becoming a major issue as well.

In the world there are 1 billion people who are overweight and 300 million who are obese. It is time for all of us to take stock and take responsibility for our own bodies. It is important for us as citizens of the earth to reach and maintain fitness. If we don’t the world economy will be crushed from the medical expenses that result from the ever-increasing weight of the world.