The Calculus of Life: Towards a Theory of Life by Andrés Moya

By Andrés Moya

This ebook explores the interesting international of theoretical biology and is split into 3 sections. the 1st part examines the jobs performed by way of popular scientists akin to Jacob, Monod, Rosen, Turing, von Bertalanffy, Waddington and Woodger in constructing the sector of theoretical biology. the second one part, aided with various examples, helps the concept common sense and computing are compatible formal languages to explain and comprehend organic phenomena. The 3rd and ultimate part is, definitely, the main intellectually not easy and endeavors to teach the potential paths shall we take to compute a mobile - the fundamental unit of existence - or the stipulations required for a predictive concept of organic evolution; eventually, a conception of existence within the mild of recent structures Biology. The paintings goals to teach that glossy biology is nearer than ever to creating Goethe's dream come actual and that we've got reached some degree the place artificial and analytical traditions converge to make clear the dwelling being as a whole.

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