Reconstruction from Integral Data (Chapman & Hall/CRC by Victor Palamodov

By Victor Palamodov

Reconstruction of a functionality from information of integrals is used for difficulties coming up in diagnostics, together with x-ray, positron radiography, ultrasound, scattering, sonar, seismic, impedance, wave tomography, crystallography, photo-thermo-acoustics, photoelastics, and pressure tomography.

Reconstruction from critical Data offers either long-standing and up to date mathematical effects from this box in a uniform means. The e-book makes a speciality of unique analytic formulation for reconstructing a functionality or a vector box from information of integrals over traces, rays, circles, arcs, parabolas, hyperbolas, planes, hyperplanes, spheres, and paraboloids. It additionally addresses diversity characterizations. assurance is prompted through either functions and natural mathematics.

The e-book first offers identified proof at the classical and attenuated Radon rework. It then offers with reconstructions from information of ray (circle) integrals. the writer is going directly to hide reconstructions in classical and new geometries. the ultimate bankruptcy collects valuable definitions and trouble-free proof from geometry and research that aren't consistently incorporated in textbooks.

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