Dancing Bodies of Devotion: Fluid Gestures in Bharata Natyam by Katherine C. Zubko

By Katherine C. Zubko

Dancing our bodies of Devotion: Fluid Gestures in Bharata Natyam examines how Bharata Natyam, a historically Hindu storytelling dance shape, strikes throughout spiritual obstacles via either incorporating choreography on Buddhist, Christian, Muslim, and Jain subject matters and the pluralistic identities of contributors. Dancers traverse spiritual limitations by means of reformulating a classy origin in keeping with performative instead of completely textual understandings of rasa, conventionally outlined as a formulation for the way to bodily craft emotion on degree. throughout the ethnographic case stories of this quantity, dancers of Bharata Natyam innovatively show how the rasa of devotion (bhakti rasa), unusually absent from vintage dance-related texts, serves because the pivotal framework for increasing on their lonesome interreligious thematic and interpretive probabilities. In modern Bharata Natyam, bhakti rasa isn't just approximately bettering non secular adventure; in its place, those dancers choreographically adapt numerous spiritual identities and concepts in an effort to emphasize pluralistic cultural and moral dimensions of their paintings. during the dancing physique, a number of non secular and secular interpretations fluidly co-exist.

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