A City of Marble: The Rhetoric of Augustan Rome (Studies in by Kathleen S. Lamp

By Kathleen S. Lamp

In A urban of Marble, Kathleen Lamp argues that classical rhetorical concept formed the Augustan cultural campaigns and that during flip the Augustan cultural campaigns functioned rhetorically to assist Augustus achieve and hold energy and to steer civic identification and participation within the Roman Principate (27 b. c. e.—14 c. e.).

Lamp starts by way of learning rhetorical treatises, these texts so much general to students of rhetoric, and strikes directly to these most glaringly utilizing rhetorical suggestions in visible shape. She then arrives at these gadgets least recognizable as rhetorical artifacts, yet might be most vital to the day-by-day lives of the Roman people—coins, altars, wall portray. This development additionally captures the advance of the Augustan political fable that Augustus was once destined to rule and lead Rome to greatness as a descendant of the hero Aeneas.

A urban of Marble examines the institution of this fable in nation rhetoric, lines its circulate, and eventually samples its well known receptions and diversifications. In doing so, Lamp inserts a long-excluded notwithstanding major audience—the universal humans of Rome—into modern understandings of rhetorical background and considers Augustan tradition as major in shaping civic identification, encouraging civic participation, and selling social advancement.

Lamp methods the connection among classical rhetoric and Augustan tradition via a transdisciplinary method drawn from archaeology, artwork and architectural background, numismatics, classics, and rhetorical reviews. through doing so, she grounds Dionysius of Halicarnassus’s claims that the Principate represented a renaissance of rhetoric rooted in tradition and a go back to an Isocratean philosophical version of rhetoric, therefore supplying a counterstatement to the “decline narrative” that rhetorical perform withered within the early Roman Empire. therefore Lamp’s paintings offers a step towards filling the disciplinary hole among Cicero and the second one Sophistic.

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