I have been participating in the “Dr Oz Move It and Lose It” challenge on Sharecare.com. My goal was to lose 5 pounds, which was something I had been trying to do for months before joining the challenge. I had bought a food diary and diligently wrote down what I ate and my exercises throughout the day. Regardless of the fact that my calories in and the calories burned were less than 1000 calories a day I wasn’t losing anything. Needless to say, I was discouraged.

Then I found a book called the 4 Hour Body. It has an eating plan that works for me. During the week I eat eggs, vegetables and lean protein and one day on the weekend I cheat and eat whatever I want! I eat the same breakfast and lunch every day, which really works for me. I am not good at planning meals. Dinner varies because my husband does all the cooking, but he has been really good about not making pasta, rice or potatoes.

I have never felt healthier and I have lost the five pounds and then some. So what was my problem before doing the diet outlined by Timothy Ferriss in the 4 Hour Body? I don’t think that limiting the quantity of calories works very well for me when the quality of the calories isn’t good. In other words, I can’t lose weight when I eat a chocolate bar for dinner and a bowl of potato chips for lunch. If you look at the calories they are no more than what a regular healthy meal would be but the quality of the calories is lacking.

I am now hooked on eating healthy meals that help me to feel better than I have in years. No more chocolate or junk food meals for me, unless of course it is my cheat day.