It is fascinating in this day and age of tremendous technological advances that whether you have good overall health really depends on the choices that you make. Recent estimates by the American Institute for Cancer Research and the World Cancer Research Fund have found that the incidence of certain cancers such as breast, lung, colon, prostate and stomach could be significantly decreased by never smoking and make healthy lifestyle choices.

It is also estimated that decreased physical activity is responsible for as many as 25% of breast and colon cancers, 30% of heart disease and 27% of diabetes in the world. Unfortunately, knowing that healthy habits can have such an impact does not seem to be enough to inspire people to follow them.

I have wondered why this is the case and I think the answer is complicated. It is hard for many of us to follow healthy lifestyle choices because they require time and energy. We all tend to get caught up in our busy lives and neglect ourselves. In addition, many of us live in denial that anything bad will happen to us.

Hopefully, if we hear the message enough, the wisdom of making healthy choices will sink in. It is important for each of to take responsibility for our overall health and the health of our families.