I love to walk, but now that the weather is getting cold and wet, I just want to stay inside under a blanket. Fortunately, I have someone who will not let me do that. She is relentless and she pesters me until I get off the couch. Her name is Lucy. She is a German shepherd basset hound mix (I know it sounds impossible and a bit strange but it is true).

Her front legs are shorter than her back legs so she hops. At times walking for her is not easy, but nonetheless she gets me out there every day, twice or three times a day.
How can I beg off the walk when she needs it to keep her joints agile and it is such an obvious struggle for her at times? To top it off with all her doggy disabilities, she is always happy, and she makes me laugh. I have no excuse.

Lucy keeps me in shape. She also helps me to stay calm and control my stress. These benefits are among many reported by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and the NIH (National Institutes for Health). Pets can lower blood pressure, cholesterol and triglyceride levels, reduce stress, help maintain social engagement and prevent loneliness.

Not too long ago, there was a national meeting hosted by the NIH where data was presented from large, well-designed studies of people and their pets. One of the studies found that of those people who suffered a heart attack, dog owners were more likely to be alive a year later regardless of the severity of their heart attack compared to those without dogs. Another study looking at married couples found that pet owners had lower heart rates and blood pressures than those without pets even in times of great stress.

Of more than 2000 dog owners, those who regularly walked their dogs were more physically active and less likely to be overweight than those who did not own or walk a dog. Older dog owners had better mobility in as well as outside their homes.

Dogs are great for helping people to be more social. They provide companionship, and people are always stopping dog owners to pet their animals and chat. Those who feel connected and engaged live longer.

If you are having trouble finding reasons to go outside when it is cold, wet or snowy and/or you are feeling a bit lonely and out of sorts then I suggest you go to your local humane society and find your Lucy. There are so many dogs that need a home. They can be a great comfort and motivation to become fit.

And if I haven’t given you enough good reasons to adopt a dog here is one more,

“You can say any fool thing to a dog and the dog will just give you this look that says, ‘My GOSH, you’re RIGHT! I NEVER would’ve thought of that!”
― Dave Barry